Sleep: motivation

Sleep: motivation

So I just came back from a class trip and I was tired. Yesterday I took a two hour nap and still had 10.5 hours of sleep (I don’t have school today). It was great, I feel caught up on sleep. However I don’t always have that motivation. Most nights I don’t want to go to sleep until a late hour because I always think I could do something better. I don’t have insomnia and I love to sleep, but getting to sleep is the problem. So I did some research and here are some tips on specifically having motivation to sleep (falling asleep is a different article)

– make a goal that you will go to sleep at say 9 or 10 pm for three weeks (that is how long it takes to form a habit) and I know for me it feels great to check something off my to-do list, which could include “go to bed at 9:30.”

– if you have homework due the next day and haven’t finished it, make a goal to wake up half an hour or a hour earlier – and the way you do that is by going to bed at either a reasonable time or telling yourself to go to sleep when your body tells you even if you haven’t finished the product.

-think about how good you have it. You have a bed, blankets, a place to live, and ability to have breakfast the next morning. Not everybody has those resources. Think how comfortable lying down on your bed is and how good breakfast will be tomorrow!

– I know tons of people don’t have breakfast in the morning but make a goal to wake up fast (by getting sleep) and make yourself a quick breakfast or something to go. I know I try to have a smoothie every morning. And even though most places say making a smoothie is so easy, its not the easiest when you are slow and tired in the morning. You feel me?

– I’m obsessed with youtube, I watch it more than TV and that is my main problem. youtube videos at night, so good but such a procrasonation of going to sleep. Since this isn’t a post about HOW to go to sleep let me just say that reminding yourself that your subscription box is still going to be there tomorrow and choose the videos that you think are most interesting and watch those tonight if you must and save the rest for free time tomorrow!

So this is something I am working on currently and I wrote this just because I haven’t found a video or article that specifically talks about motivation to get away from busy-ness and the computer. Hope this helps. Post on falling asleep coming soon!

PS: If you didn’t know, teens are supposed to get 8 hours of sleep