Breakfast for the family!

Breakfast for the family!

Sunday, being the traditional brunch day, I decided to make my family brunch! I made everyone a fruit platter (plus hummus and Celery). I made one for mom, my brother, and me. The one on the left with apples tangerine celery and flat pretzels was for my mom because she likes those (I do too, but they are not the best so I passed – my plate is in the middle with strawberries instead) and my brother who had the same as my mom but strawberries instead of apples (he loves strawberries.)
A great way to help make your family eat healthy or learn what you are eating is to make a meal for them. This was super easy and fun to make!

*This meal has a ton of fiber and you can get some protein but adding a dip like hummus or peanut butter with your fruits and veggies!